
Apple Vision Pros: ushering in a cutting-edge tech revolution.

February 16, 2024


  • Apple has developed the Apple Vision Pro, a set of virtual reality goggles equipped with eye and hand tracking features.
  • The goggles allow users to view photos, pull up tabs, take high-definition photos, watch TV and videos, and play games, all controlled by eye and hand gestures.
  • While the technology is impressive, there are concerns about the impact it may have on human interaction.
  • With people wearing the goggles in public, there have been reports of accidents and a decline in face-to-face interactions.
  • However, with the high price tag of $3,500, access to this technology is limited.

Apple has unveiled its latest creation, the Apple Vision Pro, a set of virtual reality goggles that offer a fully immersive experience with eye and hand tracking features. With these goggles, users can view photos, pull up tabs seemingly in the air, take high-definition photos, engage in spacial facetime, watch TV and videos, and even play games. The controls are operated by eye and hand gestures, allowing users to simply look at an icon and tap their fingers together to activate commands.

The Apple Vision Pro goggles have been praised for their technological advancements, but there are concerns about the impact they may have on human interaction. As videos surface online of people wearing the goggles in public, there are reports of accidents and decreased face-to-face interactions. Individuals are unintentionally walking into objects and people, and there have even been instances of people being pulled over while driving with the goggles on.

With the increasing prevalence of technology like the Apple Vision Pro, the worries about a decline in human interaction grow stronger. Currently, people already spend a significant amount of time on their phones and barely interact with each other in public. With a screen attached to people’s faces, the level of real-world interaction could potentially drop to zero.

Despite these concerns, the high price tag of $3,500 for the Apple Vision Pro goggles means that only a limited number of people have access to this technology. However, as access increases in the future, the prevalence of individuals staying home and immersing themselves in the world of virtual reality may become a reality sooner than anticipated.