
Innovative New York museum showcasing art with modern technology.

March 15, 2024

New York Museum Spotlighting Art


  • New Mercer Labs Museum of Art and Technology in New York offers immersive and sensory experience
  • Features works by artist Roy Nachum, allowing visitors to interact with the art

New York’s newest museum, Mercer Labs: Museum of Art and Technology, is aiming to revolutionize the art experience by blending technology with traditional art forms. The space, located in Manhattan’s financial district, showcases works by artist Roy Nachum, known for his innovative approach to painting, sculpture, sound, and light design. The museum, which officially opened in January and is set for a grand opening on March 28, promises visitors an immersive and sensory experience like no other.

Despite the high ticket prices of $52 for adults and $46 for retirees and youngsters, the museum’s founders believe that the experience offers great value. Nachum, who has been based in New York for two decades, is best known for creating the artwork for Rihanna’s “Anti” album cover, which features a visually impaired child wearing a blindfold and a golden crown with braille writing.

One of the key distinguishing features of Mercer Labs is its emphasis on interaction with the art. Unlike traditional museums where touching the art is prohibited, Mercer Labs encourages visitors to engage with the installations, which include video projections, holograms, and interactive exhibits. The museum’s innovative approach to blending art and technology has been well-received, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for all who visit.

With a focus on redefining the museum experience through technology and innovation, Mercer Labs represents a new wave of art institutions that are pushing boundaries and attracting younger audiences. By incorporating elements of touch, sound, and visual effects, the museum stands out as a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts and technology lovers alike.