
AION Labs: Unleashing AI to Uncover Molecular Glue for Startups

January 30, 2024

TL;DR: AION Labs has launched a new startup called TenAces that will use AI and machine learning algorithms to discover molecular glue therapies that enhance targeted protein degradation. The company aims to find naturally occurring protein interactions that can lead to targeted protein degradation, with the hope of creating new molecule glue therapies for diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. TenAces will integrate biology into its machine learning algorithms through wet lab validations to improve prediction capabilities. The company is supported by pharma giants AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer, and Teva, along with venture capital firm Israel Biotech Fund, Amazon Web Services, and German research institute Bio Med X.

The launch of TenAces is part of AION Labs’ mission to use AI-enabled drug discovery to advance healthcare innovation. AION Labs was built under a government tender with support from the Israeli government and includes major players in the pharmaceutical industry. The company aims to address the challenge of finding new therapeutic molecules by leveraging AI, machine learning, and computational technology domains. In addition to TenAces, AION Labs has also launched other startups focused on clinical trial readiness assessment and antibody discovery.

By using AI and machine learning to discover molecular glue therapies, TenAces hopes to revolutionize the treatment of diseases by targeting specific proteins for degradation. The identification of optimal E3 degraders and the design of molecular glues for the removal of disease-causing proteins could potentially address a wide range of diseases. With approximately 85% of target proteins currently undruggable, the development of targeted protein degradation therapies could have a significant impact on healthcare.

The integration of biology into TenAces’ machine learning algorithms will allow for the validation of predictions through experimental lab testing. This iterative process will improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the algorithms, guiding their development and enhancing their prediction capabilities. The support of pharma partners, such as AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer, and Teva, has been crucial to the establishment and development of TenAces, providing essential resources and guidance.

Overall, the launch of TenAces represents a significant step forward in AI-enabled drug discovery and molecular glue therapies. By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, TenAces aims to revolutionize the treatment of diseases by targeting specific proteins for degradation, potentially addressing a wide range of currently undruggable proteins.